Friday, March 20, 2009


Veterans Need your help. Only you can prevent needless suffering. Please and Sorry about my sad attitude. I know the news media is at fault but angry non the less.
Jim Raab


  1. Jim;
    I was in Vietnam about the same time you were, 1968, but I don't think our paths crossed. I filed for PTSD last September and recently went for the psych legal review. The Dr. said I was approved but didn't say to what per cent. I had a Purple Heart so I didn't have any problem proving the stressor. I was awarded 30 per cent for AO and war wound complications. I was denied for Neuropathy, hypertension, Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea, shortness of breath and hearing loss because symptoms weren't within 2 years of discharge. I was awarded a zero sight disability. Which means if it gets worse I will get an increase. Then again, my war wound used to be zero and was increased to ten percent. I guess I will have to prove all the declined problems were the result of the diabetes of which the proximate cause was Agent Orange. They also are deciding on how much they are going to give me for Morbid Obesity (the AO causes the thyroid to make you overweight). They know all this but you have to prove it to them like you would a court case. Byt, what am I, telling you? You've been through the mill. I never thought I would be a casualty after 40 years.

    The Psych Annalyst told me he had to contact the ASA and get permission before he could even talk to me (hence the delay). So, yes, there are flags in your files which they know about. The Analyst kept referring to me as an ASA type. I surprised he hadn't run across more of us that he didn't know he had to get permission. I'm comming to the conclusion there aren't that many of us left.

    By the way were you ever stationed at Vint Hill Farms in Virginia?
    -=Glenn K. Fannin Jr.=-
    Fort Devons, Mass. 1967
    330th RRC Pleiku Vietnam 1968
    1st Aviation Co., Cam Ranh Bay Vietnam 1968
    Vint Hill Farms, Virginia 1969
    Herzo Base, Herzogenaurach, Germany 1970

    1. I was with the 330th RRC July '68 to Feb '70. Got hit by rocks and stuff from mortar round when the VC hit the EM Club in late '68/early '69, can't remeber exactly. I too am applying for PTSD disability but have to prove the mortar attack. What a bunch of bull, how the heck can we prove all this?
      Mike McCormack former 98C, SP5

    2. Took me 35 years and an act of congress but I got my way. All I can say is good luck.

      Department of Veterans Affairs
      Office of Inspector General
      P.O. BOX 50410
      WASHINGTON, DC 20091-0410
      Headquarters, 801 I Street, NW
      Washington, DC 20001

      Allison A. Hickey
      Under Secretary for Veterans Benefits Administration
      810 Vermont Avenue, NW
      Washington, DC 20420

      Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program
      701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
      Suite 131
      Washington, DC 20004
      (202) 628-8169

      Department of Veterans Affairs
      VA Regional Office Review Board
      20 Washington Place
      Newark NJ 07102

      Department of Veterans Affairs
      Eastern Area Fiduciary Hub
      PO Box 441480
      Indianapolis, In 46204
      317-916-3683, 3730, 3731

      Frank Pallone Jr.
      Congress of the United States
      67/69 Church Street
      Kilmer Square
      New Brunswick NJ 08901
      (732) 249-8892

      Robert Menendez, United States Senate
      One Gateway Center
      11th Floor
      Newark New Jersey 07102
      (973) 645-3030

      Senator Frank R. Lautenberg
      One Gateway Center
      23rd Floor
      Newark, NJ 07102
      (973) 639-8700

      Department of Veterans Affairs
      Board of Veterans Appeals
      Washington, DC 20004
      (202) 628-8169

      U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
      U.S. Senator Patty Murray, Chairman
      412 Russell Senate Bldg.
      Washington D.C. 20510
      (202) 224-9126 • Republican Staff: (202) 224-2074

      Richard F. Weidman
      Executive Director for Policy and Government Affairs
      Vietnam Veterans of America
      8605 Cameron Street Suite 400
      Silver Spring, MD 20910
      (202) 585-4000 x127

      Vietnam Veterans Of America
      8719 Colesville Rd., Suite 100
      Silver Spring, Maryland 20910


      ABC, 7 on your side

      CBS, 2

      NBC, 4

      NY Times
